Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The bearded moose

August 26, 2008
I've taken my que to start a blog by my recent discoveries of other inspirational blogs. Especially Susan Tweit's, Community of the land, which led me to Susan York's beautiful site, which led me to other sites. Simultaneously to discovering these sites, I was invited to visit my Peace Corps friend Jordan "Laoshi's" site. Amazing! Now I just have to figure out how to post photos and all the rest.
......and why the bearded moose you ask? Because the first question I was asked when starting my blog, is to name it, and I've been thinking of moose lately. A few days ago in Northern Colorado I was lucky enough to see two very coy lady moose that I had startled from their early morning business. They ran behind some willows and kept their eyes on me until I left. Today I found that the pictures I took of them might as well have been of ghosts, the negatives are blank.

1 comment:

John L. Pinkston said...

Hey Bari,

Keep writing and posting. I encourage your blog.
John P.