Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Great Horned Owl

Nov. 11 - This morning I woke to the sound of magpies making a big fuss over something. I ran outside and found this Great horned owl perched in the Siberian elm behind the barn. About 20 magpies flew off when I appeared, but a few persisted in harassing the owl, which seemed fairly imperturbable. At least until they actually started plucking at its "ears". The owl opened its beak and gave a sort of wheezy exhalation at its attacker. It stayed in the tree enduring the magpie's insults for about a half hour before disappearing.

1 comment:

graceonline said...

Another beautiful and informative blog. Please keep posting. One of the great joys of blogging is discovering aspects of Nature I may never have an opportunity to see, shown through the lens of another ordinary person's experience. Thank you.